VMS Parent Organization

Mustang Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

Contact information:  verradoparentorg@gmail.com

PTO newsletter

PTO General Meetings are held in the Media Center at 4:30PM

Upcoming meetings: 

May 18

Board Members for 2024 -2025 School Year:

President: Tonya Zavala 
Vice President: Amber Mueller
Treasurer: Bibiana Rice
Secretary: Jai Ramos 
Social Media: Melissa Andrews 
Spirit Wear: Holly Copeland
Volunteer Information: Susan Maarup

If anyone is interested in being on the PTO or would like to volunteer please email us at verradoparentorg@gmail.com

General Membership Meeting Dates:  Meet at 4:30 in the Media Center


​Bold Move is a donation which is used to help achieve the mission and objectives of the Parent Teacher Organization throughout the school year.  All parents, teachers, and those within the community are considered members of our organization.  It is our commitment to you to NOT have any door-to-door fundraisers where the students are asked to sell items or get pledges for doing a specific task.  Your Bold Move donation will directly help achieve our goals.  Since there are no state or national dues, 100% of your donation goes towards VMS to support TEAM Day, Student Recognition, Guest Speakers, Equipment, Classroom Resources, Teacher Appreciation and other needed school materials.

All donations are tax deductible.  If you need a receipt, please ask and one will be provided (consult your tax account for all deduction advice). 

Thank you in advance for your continued support of our school, teachers and staff at Verrado Middle School.